Standing Together for Men’s Mental Health: Our Fundraising Efforts for ANDYSMANCLUB

At 0800 Repair, we believe in the importance of supporting mental health initiatives and giving back to our community. Recently, we had the privilege of raising funds for ANDYSMANCLUB, a remarkable charity dedicated to men’s suicide prevention.

ANDYSMANCLUB offers free-to-attend peer-to-peer support groups across the United Kingdom and online. Their work is crucial in helping men break the stigma surrounding mental health and encouraging conversations that can save lives. The charity’s message, #ITSOKAYTOTALK, resonates deeply with us, emphasising the power of dialogue in overcoming mental health challenges.

In support of this cause, we organised a “Wear Blue” day at our office, where our team came together to raise funds and awareness. Each employee who participated donated a minimum of £2, showing their personal commitment to the cause. Through their generosity, we raised £211. To amplify this effort, 0800 Repair matched the amount, resulting in a total donation of £422 to ANDYSMANCLUB.

We are incredibly proud of our staff for their enthusiastic participation and generosity. This fundraiser was not just about raising money; it was about raising awareness and promoting a supportive environment where mental health can be openly discussed.

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